There is no love sincerer than the love of food.

A son’s best friend and a daughter’s hero. To the man who held your hands and taught you to walk, to the man who gave you a beautiful life, to the man who taught you the most important lessons in life, how do you show your appreciation? The answer is there is no real way you could do that, because no matter how much you do, this lifetime is not enough for us to appreciate and love our heros.


A Father- son bond is so beautiful you cannot describe it in words, so showing our support, respect and love not just on Father’s Day but every single day puts a smile on his face. That smile, on his face is the most priceless thing and we can do anything to see him happy. He has been working so hard, all these years, nothing ever stopped him from being so selfless and hardworking. Not many Father’s even care for themselves, they might not even buy their favourite items, they might think they would rather buy something for us. I can keep going about all of this for pages and pages yet i wouldn’t be able to describe what we all feel for our Fathers or our love for them.



Here is one way you could make this Father’s Day much more special for your Father. We at Minister White have amazing Father and Son combo sets and Dhoti sets. You could get yourself and your Father a beautiful Shirt- Dhoti Combo or you could buy your son and yourself our Junior senior combo. Set-up a beautiful, simple and authentic background and get clicking, pictures are one of the best ways to look back and smile. Make it fun adding props, do some of your favourite activities, have your favourite meals together and capture them all. Few years from now, these moments are what make you happy.


Tips on twinning


You could buy the exact outfits, beautiful colours and matching bordered dhotis combo. You can choose from a wide range of colours and materials. So many options to choose from, amazing quality products that will last you a long time. Ditch the regular shirts, t-shirts and trousers, go in for our traditional and elegant shirt and dhoti, if you want a little spice go in for Kurta and dhoti or if you want it a little bit more casual and relaxed, you can opt for t-shirt paired with dhoti. Now all you need to do is make beautiful memories and smile. \


Happy Father’s Day to all those wonderful and amazing Fathers out there. You make our world a lot happier, easier and beautiful to live in. Thank you for being so selfless and blessing us with this incredible life!